God help the mother, these days, who even suggests her child is being abused by an ex-husband. If she does, she stands a good chance of losing her child.
The PAS theory was developed by Richard Gardner, a psychologist, around 1985. One must note though that Gardner was seen by many as having extreme views and, according to his writings, a perceived acceptance of pedophilia. Gardner committed suicide in 2003.
According to the late Dr. Gardner, children who accuse their father of sexual abuse, are being force fed lies by the mother, in an attempt to have the children's visitation with their father stopped by the court.
Dr. Gardner's theory proposes that "' ... the vast majority of allegations in this category [divorce cases with custody disputes] are false.'"
According to an article by the American Prosecutors Research Institute, entitledParental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know,
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