Saturday, February 25, 2012

Excerpt "There needs to be a denouncement by Congress of these pro-pedophilia theories of parental alienation developed by Richard Gardner.

 From Battered Moms Lose Children to Abusers:

There needs to be a denouncement by Congress of these pro-pedophilia theories of parental alienation developed by Richard Gardner. Previously, the APA had published research called the Rind Study that Congress filed a public resolution denouncing for its pro-pedophilia ideology. The same needs to happen with this pseudo-scientific theory of parental alienation. There has been admission by these so-called experts that Gardner’s theory has been ruled out, and repeated discrediting of his ideas. Yet pushers of this philosophy still go into courtrooms and testify against women and children who have been victimized by domestic abuse.

The results of a mother being accused of being an “alienator” are to give visitation and/or custody to the abuser. The mother and child suffer for years while the child is under 18. Some children who are removed from their protective parent then become so bonded and enmeshed with the abuser that they don’t ever want to see the mother. But yet when fathers force children to recant abuse (isn’t this witness tampering?…and coaching?…), badmouth the mom continuously, make false accusations of child abuse against the mother, and file endless frivolous motions in court, somehow these same so-called parental alienation experts do nothing and don’t seem to see how this behavior by the father is nothing but a big setup. The abusive fathers who claim alienation have no other goal than to continue the abuse through the court system by terrorizing the mother and taking her children away. Shared parenting certainly is not a goal, unless they want to continue to make the mother be under their control. Also, shared parenting is NEVER appropriate when there has been domestic abuse, the abuser will just continue the abuse anyway possible, just changing how they do it becoming sneakier. These malevolent abusers are the ones claiming parental alienation in these family court cases that go on until children turn 18. Also, in this scenario that I just described, it is a father with more finances than the mother that inflicts this “legal abuse” on the mother and child(ren).
 SEE link for rest of article

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