Saturday, September 8, 2012

victorious children are children protected from discredited theories

Chapter 13 - Weirdo weird 13 IM chapter
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Wardell Pomeroy was an associate of Alfred Kinsey, and along with Clyde Martin ....1983), and only 2 percent of those are successful (Monahan & Loftus, 1982). ..... be living in the “Age of Anxiety,” the “Age of Alienation,” or the “Age of Insanity. .....Gardner (1980) provided a test designed to measure obsessive-compulsive ..

Newsletter : S.M.A.R.T.'s Ritual Abuse Pages
RCMP Sergeant Richard Thibault says the victim is a girl who is now 13 years old, and..... “From 1980 to 1983, a man named Eldon Byrd ran the Marine Corps Nonlethal ....Such cases often turn on Dr. Gardner's “parental alienation syndrome. ..... Alfred Kinsey will be the focus of Fox News Channel's O'Reilly Factor tonight.

The Parental Alienation Debate Belongs in the Courtroom, Not in DSM-5

  1. Timothy M. Houchin, MD
  2. John Ranseen, PhD
  3. Phillip A. K. Hash, DO, PhD and 
  4. Daniel J. Bartnicki, JD
+Author Affiliations
  1. Dr. Houchin is a Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatrist, Dr. Ranseen is Associate Professor, and Dr. Hash is a Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Mr. Bartnicki is Attorney-at-Law, Chicago, IL.
  1. Address correspondence to: Timothy M. Houchin, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Kentucky, 3470 Blazer Parkway, Lexington, KY 40509. E-mail:


The DSM-5 Task Force is presently considering whether to adopt parental alienation disorder (PAD) as a mental illness. Although controversy has surrounded PAD since its inception in 1985, pro-PAD groups and individuals have breathed new life into the push to establish it as a mental health diagnosis. In this analysis, we argue that it would be a serious mistake to adopt parental alienation disorder as a formal mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

Economics of PAS

As with any heated controversy, one must examine the possible financial motivations that may influence the positions of those engaged in debate. Unfortunately, to get a good sense of PAS's support, one has only to follow the money trail. Litigation stemming from the dissolution of marriage is estimated to be a $28 billion industry.16 It is no secret that the cost of divorce and custody litigation can add yet another facet of stress to all involved. Adding any further complexity to the problems involved in child custody only serves to compound the financial burden borne by the affected families. A formal diagnosis of PAS, with the obligatory dueling experts testifying at a custody hearing, can become a prime source of fee generation for everyone but the divorcing family.
The Associated Press article cited above2 went on to speak about how the diagnosis of PAS might garner more business for those involved in the evaluation of child custody. The article highlighted the view of Elizabeth Kates, an attorney who litigates child custody cases. “It's monetary,” Kates said. “These psychologists and therapists make huge money doing the evaluations and therapies.”
As Kates suggested, additional assessments would be a financial boon to evaluators who already oversee a complicated process with multiple variables that affect cost. In 2001, psychologist Dr. Ira Turkat wrote an article in which he, too, shed light on the economics of child custody evaluations:Custody evaluations can be pricey…. In 2003, the Florida Court of Appeal noted that one psychologist charged $20,000—an amount equal to the parties' entire net worth, and questioned how it could be in a child's best interest for the family's resources to be depleted by fees of this magnitude [Ref. 17, p 8].
To a business-minded, professional child custody evaluator, the adoption of PAS or PAD as a bona fide psychiatric diagnosis in DSM-5 represents a potential windfall opportunity to increase fee revenue. There would almost certainly be more interviewing and testing required by both parents seeking the services of independent experts to testify to the existence of PAS in their children.
It does not take much prognostication to see how inserting PAS into a custody situation may serve to further escalate an already tense situation, adding billable preparation time for lawyers and psychiatrists, while lowering the likelihood of an amicable settlement without a full hearing or trial.


Arguments for and against parental alienation as a mental health diagnosis have been intense and ongoing for decades. Gardner started the PAS movement, citing his own, self-published works as evidence that PAS is a mental illness. Gardner's critics have consistently cited the lack of empirical research to support such a diagnosis. Nevertheless, PAS supporters have recently demonstrated a high level of organization, vocalization, and cohesiveness. They have garnered much press and have even received support from Hollywood celebrities.
There is little question that codifying the common phenomenon of alienation as a formalized mental disorder would further complicate many custody disputes, thereby increasing the time and money required to evaluate these already complicated situations. One has to wonder if some of the interest on the part of mental health practitioners supporting the inclusion of PAS or PAD in DSM-5 has more to do with economic self-interest than with any belief that it would lead to improved clinical practice.
Do we believe that alienation by a parent occurs in some cases of child custody? Of course! Divorce is an intense and emotionally charged situation, often bringing out the worst in all parties. Having said this, we believe the courts are quite capable of dealing with this type of scenario without invoking a mental illness to explain a child's malignity against a parent.
At its best, adopting PAS or PAD as a formal diagnosis in the DSM-5 serves only to further confuse mental health practitioners and the courts. At its worst, it lines the pockets of both attorneys and expert witnesses by increasing the number of billable hours in a given case. It creates an entire new level of debate, in which only qualified experts can engage, adding to the already murky waters of divorce testimony. We believe PAS(D) has neither the empiric support nor the clinical relevance to justify its adoption as a mental illness. By all means, each side should be allowed to present a robust argument to gain custody in court, but these conflicted children, caught in the middle, should not be labeled as mentally ill.

The Parental Alienation Debate Belongs in the Courtroom, Not in DSM-5

  1. Timothy M. Houchin, MD
  2. John Ranseen, PhD
  3. Phillip A. K. Hash, DO, PhD and
  4. Daniel J. Bartnicki, JD
excerpts section see link 

Expert Dr. Robert Geffner: Courts Under the Thrall of Dangerous “Parental Alienation Syndrome” Myth Award Custody to Violent, Abusive Parents
 Child abuse experts Dr. Robert Geffner warns that “Parental Alienation Syndrome” (PAS) is junk science – a psychiatric “disorder” that isn’t recognized by any mental health or medical association, isn’t supported by research, and hasn’t even been published in established peer-reviewed professional journals.
 But PAS has been used by the courts to award sole custody of hundreds of children to the parents accused of sexually or physically abusing them.Worse is a process that turns justice on its head by demonizing the parent who is trying to protect their child and has made statements about them being abused.
   “Many professionals connected with the courts are operating under the influence of and acting on a dangerous myth. PAS is fictitious, but the life-long damage it has inflicted on countless children is only too real,”
   Geffner says. Both children who are exposed to intimate partner violence and those who are physically or sexually abused often are affected throughout their life span if the abuse is not recognized and treated.
  Many adults experience symptoms ranging from anxiety, sleeplessness, and panic attacks to a recurrent inability to trust other adults and form stable relationships but don’t connect those problems to their childhood history of abuse.,+Abusive+Parents

Witchcraft-based child abuse: Action plan launched

stopchildabuse at stopchildabuse - 13 hours ago
Witchcraft-based child abuse: Action plan launched 14 August 2012 The government has launched an action plan to tackle child abuse linked to witchcraft or religion in England. High-profile cases include the murders of Kristy Bamu and Victoria Climbie but experts fear much more abuse is hidden. The key aims are to raise awareness and set out "urgent practical steps to identify and protect children at risk". Children's Minister Tim Loughton said: "Child abuse is appalling and unacceptable wherever it occurs and whatever form it takes. "Abuse linked to faith or belief in spirits, wit... more »

Sandusky's potential ties to child pornography ring, Police bust sex traffic ring

stopchildabuse at stopchildabuse - 13 hours ago
*Abuse victim assists U.S. Postal Investigative Service's probe into Jerry Sandusky's potential ties to child pornography ring * Abuser of Philly cop provided financial support to Sandusky's Second Mile Foundation By Christian Red / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Philadelphia product Greg Bucceroni said he reached out to the U.S. Postal Investigative Service on Tuesday in an effort to assist the agency with its investigation of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. The Postal Service’s criminal investigators are reportedly looking into whether Sand... more »
Parental Alienation Witch Hunt: Psychological

Victims of Parental Alienation Fraud need to Fight Back ... Labels: child abuse, domestc violence, evaluation, parental alienation, PAS, psychologist, therapist, torture...

Children are forced under duress to see these monsters [PAS evaluators] whose sole purpose is to speak with them and discredit the children. It is a sick setup to force any child to have to go to a PAS evaluator. They can pour their heart out over painful memories thinking that the person is there to help them, only to be forced to spend more time, or have custody changed to the person who abused them. After the child goes to one of these evaluations with a therapist, or an interview with a GAL, etc. who discusses the family situation with them, and then the result is forced reunification with abuser, these children certainly don't EVER want to see that evaluator, therapist, GAL ever again.

Anyone reading this whose child is being subjected to this torture by a mental health professional, DO NOT HESITATE to report that person for ethical violations. Most of these people will fail to follow the ethics codes, billing regulations, disclosure requirements, confidentiality clauses, requirements to corroborate information, discussion with treating therapists and doctors, etc. One very prominent PAS accusing Doctor who has written large amounts of literature on the subject, has lost their license, but continues to advertise PAS services. J. Michael Bone appears to have voluntarily relinquished his license after multiple complaints. Click here to view: disciplinary proceedings and relinquishment documentsContact your state licensing board to report these unethical professionals. Even if they are not disciplined in your case, it is important to document the complaint. There seems to be some of these people who are not getting disciplined, so it is important to just keep piling on the complaints!
EXCERPT SEE LINK "The construct of PAS is unscientific, composed of a group of general symptoms with no empirical basis. (It has been said that it is nothing more than a scientific-sounding way of saying that a mother is vengeful and mendacious [Caplan, 2004]). In spite of this, PAS is often used to discount allegations of abuse, particularly in custody disputes, so that the accuser’s sanity and parenting ability are questioned, and the rights of the “alienated” parent become the focus of the case, rather than the needs of the child.,".

Malpractice & Licensing Pitfalls for Therapists: A Defense Attorney's List

Brandt Caudill, Jr., Esq.
About the author: Brandt Caudill is a defense attorney who represents psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other mental health professionals in malpractice actions, licensing board hearings, and similar legal matters. He is co-author of the book, Law and Mental Health Professionals: California, published by the American Psychological Association. His email address is

"Use of Inappropriate Syndrome Testimony

As early as September of 1989 Dr. Gary Melton and Susan Limber in an article entitled "Psychologists' Involvement in Cases of Child Maltreatment" [American Psychologist Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1225-1233] commented on the inappropriate use by therapists of syndromes that are not found in the various versions of Diagnosis and Statistical Manual. There have been a proliferation of such syndromes over the last several years. At this point using syndromes which are not appropriately researched or acknowledged by the profession is below the standard of care. Among the syndromes which are controversial and which should not be represented as accepted in the therapist community are Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome, Parental Alienation Syndrome, [Wiederholt v. Fischer 169 WIS 2d 524, 45 N.W. 2d 442 (1992)], False Memory Syndrome, and Malicious Mother Syndrome.," - Cached
May 22, 2010 – A onetime Columbia University professor,Richard Gardner thought society is too ... Gardner contended that sex abuse allegations arising from divorce are .... “Since 2000, reintegration services have been provided to over 1000 ... for how to go about deliveringtherapy to children,” Silberg of the Leadership ..


Claudine Dombrowski at Battered Women, Battered Children, Custody Abuse - 4 days ago
TAKE CARE OF THIS GUY - NJ APPEAL COURT I have been following a New Jersey family court case that started out in Essex County, and was moved to Hudson County. The mom is a pro-se litigant- up against many high powered lawyers. The appeal was filed pro-se, and while custody of kids was a genuine issue, the trial court made changes without the benefit of a trial. There was no testimony in this case ever. The court used one tainted expert - and - a CD captured something unsavory the day custody was altered a year ago. The father in the case is caught on tape "I am giving this t...more »


Psychiatry's Corruption of Law
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to infiltrate the field of the law and bring about .... the alleged mental condition reduces the amount of time served.12 ... der, asserting thatoffenders are not 
responsible for what they have ..... child psychiatry,Richard Gardner, who was quoted in a 1999 Washington, D.C. Insight news ...

 The Parental Alienation Syndrome:
Is It Scientific?

by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP
Dallam, S. J. (1999). Parental Alienation Syndrome: Is it scientific? In E. St. Charles & L. Crook (Eds.), Expose: The failure of family courts to protect children from abuse in custody disputes . Los Gatos , CA : Our Children Our Children Charitable Foundation.

Gardner 's Views on Pedophilia [2]

Gardner (1992b, pp. 670-71) considers sexual activities between adults and children to be part of the natural repertoire of human sexual activity and suggests that pedophilia may enhance the survival of the human species by serving "procreative purposes" (1992b, p. 24-5). According to Gardner (1992b, p. 593), "pedophilia has been considered the norm by the vast majority of individuals in the history of the world" and "it is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people."
In addition, Gardner (1986, p. 93) believes that children are naturally sexual and may initiate sexual encounters by "seducing" the adult. Moreover, Gardner (1992b, pp. 670-71) maintains that sex abuse is not necessarily traumatic; the determinant as to whether sexual molestation will be traumatic to the child, is the social attitude toward these encounters. Accordingly, Gardner (1992b, pp. 593-4) believes that our society takes an excessively punitive and moralistic attitude toward those who act out their pedophilic impulses. In fact, Gardner (1991, p. 26) suggests that "all of us have some pedophilia within us."
It should be noted that Gardner's views on pedophilia are at odds with the scientific research on child sexual abuse which has consistently and conclusively shown the negative long-term effects of sexual abuse on children's lives (e.g., Fergusson, Horwood, & Lynskey, 1996; Johnson, Cohen, Brown, Smailes, & Bernstein, 1999; Silverman, Reinherz, & Giaconia, 1996).

Operation which traced 250,000 paedophiles worldwide last year

stopchildabuse at stopchildabuse - 4 days ago
*50 police officers arrested in child porn raids* Wednesday, Aug 01 2012 Fifty police officers across the UK have been arrested as part of a crackdown on suspected paedophiles who pay to access child pornography websites, detectives revealed today. The officers were among 1,300 people arrested on suspicion of accessing or downloading indecent images of children - some as young as five - from US-based Internet sites. Thirty-five men were arrested in London this morning as part of the investigation - codenamed Operation Ore - following raids on 45 addresses across the capital.... Mr... more »

Vast international child-p_rn network uncovered

stopchildabuse at stopchildabuse - 38 minutes ago
*Vast international child-porn network uncovered * By DENISE LAVOIE AP Legal Affairs Writer Aug 4, 2012 BOSTON (AP) -- The men came from different walks of life on two continents: a children's puppeteer in Florida, a hotel manager in Massachusetts, an emergency medical technician in Kansas, a day care worker in the Netherlands. In all, 43 men have been arrested over the past two years in a horrific, far-flung child porn network that unraveled like a sweater with a single loose thread.... Authorities have identified more than 140 young victims so far and say there is no end in sig... more »

What Kentucky should teach Rhode Island's Attorney General and Judges

Anne Grant at The Custody Scam - 10 hours ago

MISTAKES MOTHERS MAKE in Child Custody Litigation

Claudine Dombrowski at Battered Women, Battered Children, Custody Abuse - 3 days ago

** After that last post, it is sad that we can not help these moms, except to reach them before they enter family court nightmare. Readers please share this freely, we can not create justice in an unjust system. We can not fix it. All we can do at this point is ‘avoid’ to the best of your ability, the things that will choke the life out of you when you dare to walk into family court with the insane notion that ‘Justice’ will prevail. Be smart. Think. Think. And then, Think some more. c *MISTAKES MOTHERS MAKE in Child Custody Litigation* more »

once to enlarge photo. Video is posted at * * * On July 24, 2012, WKYT reported that Kentucky Judge *Charles Hickman*sentenced former social worker *Geri Murphy *to five years in prison after she admitted she had lied about sexual abuse cases involving children. She pleaded guilty to nine counts of falsifying documents. Though she had been living in Florida, Judge Hickman said she must serve her time in Kentucky. Prosecutors said that Murphy left children in homes where th...
 more »

22 F.3d 730: Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, Plaintiffs-appellants, v. Anna Salter, et al., Defendants-appellees

United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. - 22 F.3d 730

Argued Dec. 10, 1993.Decided April 25, 1994

Robert Sutton (argued), Milwaukee, WI, for Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield.
John W. Markson (argued), John M. Moore, Teresa A. Mueller, Bell, Metzner, Gierhart & Moore, Madison, WI, for Anna Salter.
Michael L. Zaleski (argued), Andra J. Palmer, Quarles & Brady, Madison, WI, for Patricia Toth, Mimi Rose, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse, American Prosecutors Research Institute and National Dist. Attys., Ass'n and James Peters, Sr.
Michael P. Erhard, Foley & Lardner, Milwaukee, WI, Grant C. Mitchell, Vaughan & Vaughan, Lafayette, IN, for Charles Vaughn.
Charles Vaughn, pro se.
Before EASTERBROOK and ROVNER, Circuit Judges, and REINHARD, District Judge.*
EASTERBROOK, Circuit Judge.
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Vol. 8, No. 2, 1998

Symposium: Science and Politics of Recovered Memories

Reviewed by Linda Chapman

ANNA SALTER, PH.D., is a psychologist in Madison, Wisconsin. In 1988, she began a study of the accuracy of expert testimony in child sexual abuse cases utilizing psychologist Ralph Underwager and his wife and practice partner, Hollida Wakefield, as a case study. (Underwager is a co-founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation who resigned after making statements to a Dutch magazine in which he advocated pedophilia. See this article for background.) Salter writes:
"The people who support and defend those accused of child sexual abuse indiscriminately, those who join organizations dedicated to defending people who are accused of child sexual abuse with no screening whatsoever to keep out those who are guilty as charged, are...not necessarily people engaged in an objective search for the truth. Some of them can and do use deceit, trickery, misstated research, harassment, intimidation, and charges of laundering federal money to silence their opponents." -- Confessions of a Whistle Blower: Lessons Learned, p. 122.

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