Friday, April 13, 2012


excerpt "Why This Is Important

The United States is home to one of the greatest civil rights movement of its era, dating back to 1866 and 1964. The Constitution of the United States celebrates and enshrines Life, Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity. Congress asserted its authority to legislate under several different parts of the United States Constitution, principally its power and duty to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment; however, this has failed miserably in the land of the free and the home of the brave with the current court system, predominantly in family law.

Children are citizens of this country too and have rights and equal protection under the law; predominantly the right not to have their civil liberties stampeded across by the family court judiciary against the best interest of the standard and the right to have parents.

This Country is in a crisis; a family crisis and a child crisis that is exploding exponentially as there is no best interest of the child standard. There is Anarchy. Laws exist, they are already in place, children have rights and yet there is no best interest of the child standard. Instead there is a robotic machinery of a court system with mediators, judiciary, court evaluators and minors council that have so dissociated themselves from the human rights atrocities that are committed on a daily basis that they consider the current status quo normal.

It is not. Children are destroyed, and have lost their childhood and are a generation of lost souls. Families are mangled and are damaged irreparably by the robotic machinery of a court system. There is no common sense standard and no best interest of the child standard even though equal protection under the law is guaranteed under the US constitution.

Children have a right to not be damaged by the court system. They have a right to parents. They have a right to be protected from abuse and court abuse. They have a right to a speedy resolution of emotional and physical harm. That bill of rights is enshrined in the United Nations right of the child. Parents have a right to not be victimized and punished by a Court by the willful and malicious abuse of the law.
Immigrant parents who live in the United States have the right to custody and the right to care and nuture their children without being victimized and punished by a family court due to their legal immigrant status.

The 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and the right of American citizens to protest outrageous human rights violations that occur on a daily basis against each other, their fellow immigrant residents and their children who are perpetually being legally raped, abused and scarred by a family court system that is constiututionally bound to uphold justice and provide equal protection under the law.

We call upon the Elders and the United Nation Human Rights Council to become involved as independant global thinkers to effect change and halt the catastrophic, malicious and vicious rape of human rights of children and their parents in the US family court system. The US constitution and the diverse UN treaties that the United States has ratified protect again the legal rape of rights. The court system that is sworn to uphold justice instead devotes its time to destroy children and their parents.

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