We the people demand a federal investigation into International Trade organization running family court monopoly/kids for cash. Help us protect children! Help us make sure no child is ever sentenced to live in the abusers home. Thank you to all taking a stand for the protection of children our hearts go out to the many families affected by this!
See https://www.change.org/p/wisconsin-department-of-safety-and-professional-services-investigate-remove-wis-phd-gateway-legalizing-child-abuse-protect-children-9173a9ad-ce6d-4c87-b0d9-4741c9d16a94/u/23952731
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Investigate/remove Wis. PhD gateway legalizing child abuse protect children
Investigate/remove Wis. PhD gateway legalizing child abuse protect children
Please help us protect children of Wisconsin with an Investigation/Removal of this Wisconsin DHS contracted PhD. This PhD is gateway legalizing child abuse with custody evaluations based on the discredited parental alienation.
No child is safe in Wisconsin with this PhD involved in Child custody studies. Children have been placed in harms way because of the reports this expert is writing in criminal child abuse cases/custody studies and protected by the department of Health and Human services.
Please see all supporting evidence below and help us protect future children from being placed in abusers homes.
We can save lives by removing this Department of Health and human services PhD and investigating to ensure this never happens again. please sign here and hep us protect children https://www.change.org/p/wisconsin-department-of-safety-and-professional-services-investigate-remove-wis-phd-gateway-legalizing-child-abuse-protect-children-32ce17a6-1cf9-4cc0-9929-2f8eb85ca176
01 Nelson 02 Michael Jan 03 Ph.D. 04 Psychologist ... - The Liz Library
01 Nelson 02 Michael Jan 03 Ph.D. 04 Psychologist 05 420 1st Avenue South 06 P. O. Box 1535 07 Wisconsin Rapids 08 WI 09 54495 10 715-424-3400 11 ... case transmogrified with therapization into a semi-parental alienation case, with .Excerpts "QUOTES FROM CUSTODY EVALUATION:"Even when there has been a finding of fact a child has been sexually
abused, it cannot be presumed that the child has been traumatized. It is
not reasonable to presume that any form of sexual contact between a
parent and child would, ipso facto, be experienced by the child as trauma.
Certain forms of contact, the most obvious being some form of penetration
would be painful and typically would be experienced as traumatic, but
licking and other forms of contact might be perceived by young child as
pleasurable or as silly rather than horrible.
01 Nelson 02 Michael Jan 03 Ph.D. 04 Psychologist 05 420 1st Avenue South 06 P. O. Box 1535 07 Wisconsin Rapids 08 WI 09 54495 10 715-424-3400 11 ... case transmogrified with therapization into a semi-parental alienation case, with .Excerpts "QUOTES FROM CUSTODY EVALUATION:"Even when there has been a finding of fact a child has been sexually
abused, it cannot be presumed that the child has been traumatized. It is
not reasonable to presume that any form of sexual contact between a
parent and child would, ipso facto, be experienced by the child as trauma.
Certain forms of contact, the most obvious being some form of penetration
would be painful and typically would be experienced as traumatic, but
licking and other forms of contact might be perceived by young child as
pleasurable or as silly rather than horrible.
Dr. Nelson recognizes parental alienation letter https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54GIMT71CgbMUNXYXNGcjBGZGc/view?usp=sharing
Wisconsin rapids parental alienation ads including Nelson at Clinical services https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54GIMT71CgbR256ZHExRzkxdlU/view?usp=sharing
Wisconsin rapids parental alienation ads including Nelson at Clinical services https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54GIMT71CgbR256ZHExRzkxdlU/view?usp=sharing
Nelsons expert is Micheal lamb
Nelson expert is mike lamb part 2
Nelson expert is mike lamb part 3
Wisconsin afcc member Michael Nelson
Micheal Nelson afcc member and social service vendor
Excerpts "Attention: wood county Health & Human Services Committee and Judicial & Legislative Committee enclosed you will find Wisconsin Rapids social service vendor Micheal nelson and evidence showing this vendor is using a dangerous discredited theory called parental alienation. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KeF9pQyo_SSfDjWq7LhxGFgLGY0AxUZoOgfIOTUz5Vx3cTM0mdpiOj-uAVjKU_HIbgfcnJkTgpL9S31Q/view?usp=sharing
Wisconsin holds international headquarters for the Afcc?
Making Divorce Pay: The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts takes back -scratching to a new level
By Michael Volpe, Organization Trends, July 2015 (PDF here)
Summary: You’ve probably never heard of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, but its 5,000-plus members are lawyers, judges, and family court professionals who have enormous power in family legal disputes. The group claims to be guided by “the best interest of the child,” but it is beyond dispute that it serves well the financial interests of its members, who are able to require the use of each other’s services and force parents to pay. Members also make use of dubious psychological theories that can do injustice to parents as well as children.
National District Attorneys Association NATIONAL CENTER FOR PROSECUTION OF CHILD ABUSE Volume 16, Number 6, 2003 Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 1 of 2 By Erika Rivera Ragland 1 & Hope Fields2 Hard Copy https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54GIMT71CgbZ0RUU1A4ZW5oTms/view?usp=sharing
Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2
By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2 NATIONAL CENTER FOR PROSECUTION OF CHILD ABUSE National District Attorneys Association
PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system. National District Attorneys Association NATIONAL CENTER FOR PROSECUTION OF CHILD ABUSE Volume 16, Number 7, 2003 Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2 By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2 Hard Copy https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54GIMT71CgbQnkwd0pQTHBlbnc/view?usp=sharing
By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2 NATIONAL CENTER FOR PROSECUTION OF CHILD ABUSE National District Attorneys Association
PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system. National District Attorneys Association NATIONAL CENTER FOR PROSECUTION OF CHILD ABUSE Volume 16, Number 7, 2003 Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2 By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2 Hard Copy https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B54GIMT71CgbQnkwd0pQTHBlbnc/view?usp=sharing
Source checking " concocted Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) -- a legal defense of child molesters -- as the means to conceal a pedophile "ring" operating through family courts" https://sites.google.com/site/parentalalienationinventor/home/source-checking-concocted-parental-alienation-syndrome-pas----a-legal-defense-of-child-molesters----as-the-means-to-conceal-a-pedophile-ring-operating-through-family-courts Excerpts "Another key link between the NIH female sexual arousal study and the 'closet' pedophile agenda, is Michael Lamb of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Lamb, who heads the Section on Social and Emotional Development, is closely affiliated with the pro-pedophilia "experts" whose materials are used by fathers' group members in their own court cases. Lamb writing's may give the appearance of neutrality, but they are carefully crafted to provide justification for disqualifying evidence of pedophilia."
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases
Excerpts "C. [§3.3] A Word of Caution about Parental Alienation34
Under relevant evidentiary standards, the court should not accept testimony regarding parental alienation syndrome, or “PAS.” The theory positing the existence of PAS has been discredited by the scientific community. 35 In Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137 (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that even expert testimony based in the “soft sciences” must meet the standard set in the Daubert case. 36 Daubert, in which the court re-examined the standard it had earlier articulated in the Frye 37 case, requires application of a multi-factor test, including peer review, publication, testability, rate of error, and general acceptance.
PAS does not pass this test. Any testimony that a party to a custody case suffers from the syndrome or “parental alienation” should therefore be ruled inadmissible and stricken from
the evaluation report under both the standard established in Daubert and the earlier Frye standard. 38 http://www.ncjfcj.org/sites/default/files/judicial%20guide_0_0.pdf
Excerpts "C. [§3.3] A Word of Caution about Parental Alienation34
Under relevant evidentiary standards, the court should not accept testimony regarding parental alienation syndrome, or “PAS.” The theory positing the existence of PAS has been discredited by the scientific community. 35 In Kumho Tire v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137 (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that even expert testimony based in the “soft sciences” must meet the standard set in the Daubert case. 36 Daubert, in which the court re-examined the standard it had earlier articulated in the Frye 37 case, requires application of a multi-factor test, including peer review, publication, testability, rate of error, and general acceptance.
PAS does not pass this test. Any testimony that a party to a custody case suffers from the syndrome or “parental alienation” should therefore be ruled inadmissible and stricken from
the evaluation report under both the standard established in Daubert and the earlier Frye standard. 38 http://www.ncjfcj.org/sites/default/files/judicial%20guide_0_0.pdf
See Discredited Parental alienation Reference list https://sites.google.com/view/whatisgoingoninfamilycourt/discredited-parental-alienation-reference-list
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Help us protect children and families and make our communities safer to live in
Help us protect children and families and make our communities safer to live in
I care about the safety of children, Family's, and communities across the United States. The current out dated policy's in place in family courts are bankrupting family's placing children in abusers homes and making our communities dangerous to live in.
It is time to address the family court crisis and stop ignoring parents pleas for help and retaliating against them for standing up for the protection of children and instead stand with them and against the family court corporation harming children and families.
I hereby request the immediate removal of judges from the afcc and the aaml which could be in violation of cannon laws(if it is not legislation drafted stating it is) see link
I request immediate enactment of legislation that States child safety is the paramount concern in all child custody proceedings
I request the immediate investigation into the Wisconsin afcc International headquarters in Madison Wis. operating with out a current ein number see link
I request the removal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in family courts bankrupting families and placing children in abusers homes for profit see link
I request the removal of the friendly parent provision punishing parents for protecting their children from reported abusers see link
I request an immediate public integrity investigation into every case involving afcc members who may have been case rigging, violating parents constitutional rights , and dragging out cases for the benefit of the afcc and it's members see link
Note this is an National/ international organization and i care about all children's safety see link Wisconsin holds international head quarters for the Afcc?
I hereby request the immediate removal of judges from the afcc and the aaml which could be in violation of cannon laws(if it is not legislation drafted stating it is) see link
I request immediate enactment of legislation that States child safety is the paramount concern in all child custody proceedings
I request the immediate investigation into the Wisconsin afcc International headquarters in Madison Wis. operating with out a current ein number see link
I request the removal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in family courts bankrupting families and placing children in abusers homes for profit see link
I request the removal of the friendly parent provision punishing parents for protecting their children from reported abusers see link
I request an immediate public integrity investigation into every case involving afcc members who may have been case rigging, violating parents constitutional rights , and dragging out cases for the benefit of the afcc and it's members see link
Note this is an National/ international organization and i care about all children's safety see link Wisconsin holds international head quarters for the Afcc?
See also Victims and critics of the afcc ?
Help us protect children and families and make our communities safer to live in
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
6 reasons victorious children supports the petition to bar/ban discredited parental alienation and you should to thank you to everyone who signs and shares this and takes a stand to protect children
6 reasons victorious children supports the petition to bar/ban discredited parental alienation and you should to thank you to everyone who signs and shares this and takes a stand to protect children from this harmful discredited theory Thank you for taking a stand to protect children!!!!
“Parental Alienation Syndrome:" Another Alarming DSM-5 Proposal Using a medicalizing label to mask child sexual abuse Published on June 6, 2011 by Paula J. Caplan, Ph.D. in Science Isn't Golden
©Copyright 2011 by Paula J. Caplan All rights reserved
Excerpts "Because of the use of PAS as a tactic by many CSA perpetrators to influence decision makers and the court system, abused children have been placed in the hands of their abusers (Childress, 2006). It is estimated that "over 58,000 children a year are ordered into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States"https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/science-isnt-golden/201106/parental-alienation-syndrome-another-alarming-dsm-5-proposal
©Copyright 2011 by Paula J. Caplan All rights reserved
Excerpts "Because of the use of PAS as a tactic by many CSA perpetrators to influence decision makers and the court system, abused children have been placed in the hands of their abusers (Childress, 2006). It is estimated that "over 58,000 children a year are ordered into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States"https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/science-isnt-golden/201106/parental-alienation-syndrome-another-alarming-dsm-5-proposal
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Why the Official Rejection of PAS Matters by Barry Goldstein
There was never any valid justification to permit the use of PAS by any name in the custody courts. The fraudulent use of PAS has been responsible for destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. This never should have been permitted by the courts, but at the same time the courts are extremely defensive to criticism of their errors and are unlikely to acknowledge past mistakes.
There was never any valid justification to permit the use of PAS by any name in the custody courts. The fraudulent use of PAS has been responsible for destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. This never should have been permitted by the courts, but at the same time the courts are extremely defensive to criticism of their errors and are unlikely to acknowledge past mistakes.

"The Truth About Parental Alienation"
Excerpts see section Tragic Consequences
"The results of its acceptance in family court have been tragic.
Excerpts last paragraph "Some children placed in the custody of their abusers have committed suicide; others have run away, and countless others have endured the abuse and are permanently traumatized.. "In recent years, children placed in custody of their abusers have been coming forward to tell their stories and to warn of the harms of PAS."http://harfordmedlegal.typepad.com/forensics_talk/2007/07/the-truth-about.html

Australian Institute of Criminology
by E McInnes - Cited by 9 - Related articles
Excerpts see page 4 Starts first paragraph "Parental Alienation Syndrome differs from the concept of ‘parental alienation’ by rescripting children’s disclosures of abuse by a parent as false accusations coached by other parent. That is,PAS begins from the premise that children who allege serious abuse by a parent are lying and that they are made to lie by an apparently protective parent. PAS thus offers violent controlling expartners a pseudo-scientific set of ‘symptoms’ to deny allegations of child abuse and pathologize the alleging child and protective parent. The outcomes of PAS assist child abuse. Indeed Gardner has published statements sympathetic to child sex abuse as a social practice. In 1992, in his book, True and False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse, Gardner argued that pedophilia -- adults having sexual relations with children -- ''is a widespread and accepted practice among literally billions of people.'' While he states that sexual activity with children is ''reprehensible'' and exploitative, he noted in another book, Sex Abuse Hysteria: Salem Witch Trials Revisited, ''What I am against is the excessively moralistic and punitive reaction that many members of our society have toward pedophiles ... (going) far beyond what I consider to be the gravity of the crime.'' The impulse to normalise and support the activities of participants in child sex abuse is an integral component of the paradigm Gardner has created. PAS relies on denying the capacity of children to recognise and articulate their experiences and further denies the child’s right to safety, whilst privileging the rights of the accused parent to enforce a relationship with the child. PAS is a winner with violent parents because (a) it enables the abuser to occupy the role of victim and (b) assists and legitimises their continuing access for abuse.
The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation ... - SSRN
by J Hoult - 2006 - Cited by 40 - Related articles
Jun 20, 2006 - Hoult, Jennifer, The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and Policy. Children's Legal Rights Journal, Vol.The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and Policy
Jennifer Hoult
affiliation not provided to SSRN
Children's Legal Rights Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2006
Since 1985, in jurisdictions all over the United States, fathers have been awarded sole custody of their children based on claims that mothers alienated these children due to a pathological medical syndrome called Parental Alienation Syndrome ("PAS"). Given that some such cases have involved stark outcomes, including murder and suicide, PAS's admissibility in U.S. courts deserves scrutiny.
This article presents the first comprehensive analysis of the science, law, and policy issues involved in PAS's evidentiary admissibility. As a novel scientific theory, PAS's admissibility is governed by a variety of evidentiary gatekeeping standards that seek to protect legal fora from the influence of pseudo-science. This article analyzes every precedent-bearing decision and law review article referencing PAS in the past twenty years, finding that precedent holds PAS inadmissible and the majority of legal scholarship views it negatively. The article further analyzes PAS's admissibility under the standards defined in Frye v. United States, Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Kumho Tire Company v. Carmichael, and Rules 702 and 704(b) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, including analysis of PAS's scientific validity and reliability; concluding that PAS remains an ipse dixit and inadmissible under these standards. The article also analyzes the writings of PAS's originator, child psychiatrist Richard Gardner - including twenty-three peer-reviewed articles and fifty legal decisions he cited in support of his claim that PAS is scientifically valid and legally admissible - finding that these materials support neither PAS's existence, nor its legal admissibility. Finally, the article examines the policy issues raised by PAS's admissibility through an analysis of PAS's roots in Gardner's theory of human sexuality, a theory that views adult-child sexual contact as benign and beneficial to the reproduction of the species.
The article concludes that science, law, and policy all support PAS's present and future inadmissibility.
This article presents the first comprehensive analysis of the science, law, and policy issues involved in PAS's evidentiary admissibility. As a novel scientific theory, PAS's admissibility is governed by a variety of evidentiary gatekeeping standards that seek to protect legal fora from the influence of pseudo-science. This article analyzes every precedent-bearing decision and law review article referencing PAS in the past twenty years, finding that precedent holds PAS inadmissible and the majority of legal scholarship views it negatively. The article further analyzes PAS's admissibility under the standards defined in Frye v. United States, Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Kumho Tire Company v. Carmichael, and Rules 702 and 704(b) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, including analysis of PAS's scientific validity and reliability; concluding that PAS remains an ipse dixit and inadmissible under these standards. The article also analyzes the writings of PAS's originator, child psychiatrist Richard Gardner - including twenty-three peer-reviewed articles and fifty legal decisions he cited in support of his claim that PAS is scientifically valid and legally admissible - finding that these materials support neither PAS's existence, nor its legal admissibility. Finally, the article examines the policy issues raised by PAS's admissibility through an analysis of PAS's roots in Gardner's theory of human sexuality, a theory that views adult-child sexual contact as benign and beneficial to the reproduction of the species.
The article concludes that science, law, and policy all support PAS's present and future inadmissibility.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 61
Keywords: Parental alienation syndrome, child abuse, alienation, custody, psychological syndrome, scientific evidence
6 Reasons Victorious Children supports Nationally Bar/ban parental alienation Internationally Bar/Ban parental alienation and cut all funding to this discredited theory and it's therapy
1. Because children are being forced to live with reported abusers
2. Because children's lives and future have been destroyed by the application of the term to silence children's reports of abuse
3. Because children have threatened suicide and some have committed suicide from the draconian methods used to force them into contact with reported abusers
4. Because rather than prosecuting child abuse the term is being used to decriminalize abuse and aid and abed child abusers
5. Because the term parental alienation solely invented by Richard Gardner was used to show child molestation was normal
6. Because common sense should dictate the paramount concern should be for a child's safety and because the family courts full of corruption refuse to follow current legal and protect children we must demand the term parental alienation best known for aiding and abetting child abusers be Nationally Bar/ban parental alienation Internationally Bar/Ban parental alienation and cut all funding to this discredited theory and it's therapy
Sign here and help us protect children from all of these things your signature could save a child's life and protect them from placement in abusers homes Thank you to all who take a stand to protect children!!! https://www.causes.com/posts/962743
1. Because children are being forced to live with reported abusers
2. Because children's lives and future have been destroyed by the application of the term to silence children's reports of abuse
3. Because children have threatened suicide and some have committed suicide from the draconian methods used to force them into contact with reported abusers
4. Because rather than prosecuting child abuse the term is being used to decriminalize abuse and aid and abed child abusers
5. Because the term parental alienation solely invented by Richard Gardner was used to show child molestation was normal
6. Because common sense should dictate the paramount concern should be for a child's safety and because the family courts full of corruption refuse to follow current legal and protect children we must demand the term parental alienation best known for aiding and abetting child abusers be Nationally Bar/ban parental alienation Internationally Bar/Ban parental alienation and cut all funding to this discredited theory and it's therapy
Sign here and help us protect children from all of these things your signature could save a child's life and protect them from placement in abusers homes Thank you to all who take a stand to protect children!!! https://www.causes.com/posts/962743
Friday, November 6, 2015
Wisconsin Residents please help us request an immediate executive order and creation of a commission to investigate waste, fraud and abuse in Wisconsin Family courts
Submitted to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker updated to include more legal
Wisconsin I hereby request an immediate executive order and creation of a commission to investigate waste, fraud and abuse in Wisconsin Family courts
Please see link for evidence of Wisconsin Fraud corruption and waste in family court
Wisconsin stop the normalization of sex with children by discredited parental alienation theory promotion and use! http://timetoprotectchildvictims.blogspot.com/2015/10/wisconsin-stop-normalization-of-sex.html
I would hope this information results in an immediate executive order or proclamation and the Creation of the Governor’s Commission on Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Wisconsin family court systems to investigate all cases where the discredited theory parental alienation was used to place children in the abusers homes .
whereas Wisconsin holds the international headquarters of the afcc see California Association of Family and Conciliation Courts www.afcc-ca.org/
Excerpts "While AFCC is a truly international organization, it began in California in 1963. Its original purpose was to provide continuing, specialized education for judicial officers, attorneys, and mental health professionals working with family court issues. Now there are over 4,000 members of AFCC in approximately 20 countries, and its international headquarters is located in Madison, Wisconsin.
wisconsin pas purveyor Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Madison, WI. ...
Afcc member list see Wisconsin
Making Divorce Pay | Capital Research Center
Jul 14, 2015 - They justify infringing parental rights by using noble-sounding ... AFCC has continued to make a habit of running afoul of the Internal .... from her ex-husband's care, a blatant violation of protocol when child abuse is alleged.
Excerpts "Making Divorce Pay: The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts takes back -scratching to a new level
By Michael Volpe, Organization Trends, July 2015 (PDF here)
Summary: You’ve probably never heard of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, but its 5,000-plus members are lawyers, judges, and family court professionals who have enormous power in family legal disputes. The group claims to be guided by “the best interest of the child,” but it is beyond dispute that it serves well the financial interests of its members, who are able to require the use of each other’s services and force parents to pay. Members also make use of dubious psychological theories that can do injustice to parents as well as children.
What if George Orwell had written a sequel to Nineteen Eighty-Four called Twenty-Fifteen? In it, nefarious puppeteers use the family court system to usurp decisions traditionally left to parents. They justify infringing parental rights by using noble-sounding phrases like “in the best interest of the child” to take away more and more decision-making authority from parents. Americans’ First, Second, Fourth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights seem certain to be trampled routinely, and the reason given will always be because the decision was “in the best interest of the child.” This group of manipulators is bold and brazen because it knows the media will have no appetite for any story of this kind, but will deem it a case of “he said/she said” and a private matter best left unchronicled. Motivated by profit and sometimes by ideology, these busybodies have figured out that controlling parental decisions is profitable. http://capitalresearch.org/2015/07/making-divorce-pay/
Whereas : the gal, supervised visitation, mandated mediation ,parenting coordinators ,co-parenting classes, and other pas theory alleged therapies are unproven and place children in danger or protective parents in danger and are used to commit fraud and violate protective parents rights including the court mandated alleged custody studies done by alleged experts with out the education who use tests not approved for child custody to place children in abusers homes should be removed and unfunded and a child's safety should be paramount not how much the family court can profit off discredited theory's like parental alienationExcerpts "Parental Alienation Syndrome; hostile-aggressive parenting; enmeshment http://www.thelizlibrary.org/site-index/site-index-body.html#Parental Alienation
NOTE: The LIZNOTES index page contains links to recommended off-site locations as well as the on-site articles. Also see Section on PSYCHOLOGY, because the entertaining of alienation theory (by whatever name **) has become integral to the plying of the therapeutic jurisprudence trades in the family courts. It is a primary creator of the relationship engineering industries, and spawns work for "experts" opining pro and con, as well as GALs, supervised visitation centers, court-ordered therapists, custody evaluators, parenting coordinators, and all of their respective lawyers. [** hostile-aggressive parenting, enmeshment, intrusive parenting, intractable hostilities, high conflict, etc.] The recent rise of lucrative PAS therapies, including Warshak's Bridges program, residential camps, court-ordered custody-switches based on Gardner's threat therapy ideas, various reunification therapies (for which there are no adequately researched protocols), and other ad-hoc money-making practices of many psychologists who for a fee profess to offer services that will engineer affectionate relationships between estranged parents and non-compliant children, veer uncomfortably close at times in theory and some of their practices to the dangerous, cultic and discredited "attachment" therapies of decades past, i.e. in many cases, they are child abuse." http://www.thelizlibrary.org/site-index/site-index-body.html#Parental Alienation
Whereas : Wisconsin has an extensive history and use in the discredited parental alienation theory not only to jail protective parents but potential loss of life to domestic violence cases not properly handled leading to loss of life see above link for all evidence See this link for slide presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aB4nP7Ajt_NRqmD_xJFM_FY9Ld5TkgLl9VXME7MfQN4/edit?usp=sharing
Parental alienation and domestic violence | Joan Dawson
Jan 20, 2011 - More dangerously, parental alienation can mask domestic violence, child abuse ... forward with molestation charges that her ex was finally the one jailed. ...Woman in Alienation Case; WI: Judge Jails Mother over Daughter's ..
Junk science or truth? - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Someone from Oconomowoc, WI writes:
The cycle of abuse is helped by the courts. Once the kids "rat" out a parent, they rarely do again out of fear and their own safety. I keep being told I must find "common ground" with my abuser. So I am to lower myself to spitting in his face, swearing at him in front of the kids, not doing homework, showing 4 year olds JackAss2, showing 7 year olds "r" movies...?? because I can't control him to come to common ground with me. It is sad. And very trying. But I won't give up. Hopefully justice for my young boys will be around the next corner.
July | 2010 | Battered Mothers - A Human Rights Issue | Page 2
by C Dombrowski - Related articlesJul 29, 2010 – In the News: Kimberly Smith was murdered in her Oconomowoc home Oct. 1 2009 during a custody battle. ... Thousands of Mothers each year are losing custody to former ..... risks of mediation, the inadmissibility of Parent AlienationSyndrome ..... Madison, WI: Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.
Some men kill their wives, others steal the children | Battered ...
Use of failure to co-parent = parental alienation allegation
Excerpts " http://www.thelizlibrary.org/supervised-visitation/supervised-visitation-stupidity.html
(4) Over the past two decades, supervised visitation centers have been established by abuser lobbies and parental alienation proponents, psych and interdisplinary trade promotion groups, and money-grubbing mental health professionals who can't make a go of practice without glomming captive divorce court litigants -- and who for some goddamn reason are always more clever than victim advocate groups. Once they have opened up their visitation centers, they commence doing what entrepreneurs will do: market their services, concoct new services and programs, network, and promote themselves (which in the case of these ill-advised ideas, also frequently includes getting -- and justifying and maintaining -- some amount of charitable or government funding.)"
Whereas lawyers, PhD's, counselors, gals, and government funded agency's including Judicare are advertising and using the discredited parental alienation theory across the State in collusion rings that span State wide leaving parents reporting abuse destined to lose custody see legal below and evidence and history of use above
Attention Wisconsin pas theory
Wisconsin investigation parental alienation theory
Wisconsin parental alienation racketeering?
See also Wisconsin exposed to pas theory
Whereas sex with children is a crime and using a theory that advocates sex with children is normal or pleasurable is promoting crimes against children and should not be allowed in any court room to re-victimize children reporting abuse. This theory should be criminal to use. See parental alienation history slide presentation here with direct legal links https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1F9l5junjKLbtNoQyDm9cLPI-OWWO-BBkmcwUXQB7fio/edit?usp=sharing
http://www.centerforjudicialexcellence.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Sol-Gothard-Divorce-Corp-Statement.pdf Excerpts "It is inconceivable that I am portrayed as agreeing with those in this film advocating “Mandatory Equal Parenting”!! Contrary to their assertions that false allegations of abuse are common, one of the main problems in the Family Courts, with regard to custody, is that when a parent reports suspected abuse, as they are mandated by law to do, the courts, all too often, shift the paradigm by accusing the reporting parent of “parental alienation syndrome.” Although this has been thoroughly discredited, the same dynamics occur in the courts, and those using the concept simply drop the “syndrome” part. Thus, the focus shifts from the possible abuse of a child to the parent alleging abuse."http://www.centerforjudicialexcellence.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Sol-Gothard-Divorce-Corp-Statement.pdf
15 pages of legal against the discredited theory parental alienation
From their fraudulent sex research, to their collaboration with pedophiles to publish their sex experiments on children, to their promotion of risky sexual behavior as healthy and normal, the Kinsey Institute has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families. http://www.stopthekinseyinstitute.org/more/can-kinsey-harm-your-child/
The Children of Table 34 – Alfred Kinsey's pedophile-based ...
Nov 27, 2014 - The Children of Table 34 – Alfred Kinsey's pedophile-based ... canadianliberty.com/?p=13185. Feb 25, 2013 - Dr. Judith Reisman lists documentaries on Alfred ...
Dr. Judith Reisman lists documentaries on Alfred Kinsey and the childhood sexualization agenda. Judith Reisman’s research on Kinsey. Points discussed in The Children of Table 34: Systematic molestation of over 300 children.
image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2011/12/Judith-Reisman_avatar.jpg
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/1999/04/2738/#MqBVY8Yr3F5QdBlZ.99
EXCERPT: Inevitably, Gardner 's sole experimental authority for this PAS theory is Alfred C. Kinsey. In fact, Gardner largely plagiarizes Chapters 5 in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Female (1953) to show child molestation is normal. http://www.wnd.com/1999/04/2738/#HdKEqib9xdZu1GVC.99
Authorities take action against company run by NY family court judges, attorneys
Read more at http://www.commdiginews.com/life/authorities-take-action-against-company-run-by-ny-family-court-judges-attorneys-19646/#fGP5ugKtwkxYha6h.99
If you have lost custody to the abuser in a Wisconsin family court system please email this to all Senators, Representatives and Governor so we may protect children in the family court thank you Lastly even if you have not lost custody to the abuser and simply care about the safety of abused children in Wisconsin and do not want them to be placed in the abusers homes please email this Thank you
Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Professionals Need to Know Part 2 of 2
By Hope Fields1 & Erika Rivera Ragland2
PAS is an unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice system and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate themselves about PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. In cases where PAS testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’s responsibility to educate the judge and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more criminal courts refuse to admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded to victims of sexual abuse in our court system.
Volume 16, Number 7, 2003
Read more at http://www.commdiginews.com/life/authorities-take-action-against-company-run-by-ny-family-court-judges-attorneys-19646/#6wP2A2rlMp6WfuTE.99
Read more at http://www.commdiginews.com/life/authorities-take-action-against-company-run-by-ny-family-court-judges-attorneys-19646/#6wP2A2rlMp6WfuTE.99
My name is Susan Skip, my children and I have been ...
Oct 1, 2013 - is under investigation, both for malpractice, insurance fraud, negligence and ... the task force itself is dominated by AFCC, the testimony ... jurisdiction of theFBI to investigate racketeering and extortion ... Shut the courts down
Afcc member list
A LIFE SENTENCE - Conscious Being Alliance
May 3, 2012 - A five month investigation reveals an epidemic of violence and ... the court forced a gag order upon her and shut down her web site. .... She was also eventually hunted down by the FBI, extradited back to ...... They formed an association known as the Association of Family Conciliation Councils (AFCC) to .
A five month investigation reveals an epidemic of violence and corruption facilitated by Family Courts in the United States. Children all over the United States are being taken from their protective mothers and delivered to abusers. Behind this epidemic of judicial abuse are organized networks involved in racketeering and corruption, channeling and disappearing billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers money every year. Insurance companies are being defrauded by medical and mental health professionals rewarded handsomely for producing quack studies that criminalize loving mothers and protect abusive fathers. With clear evidence of racketeering and corruption, high court judges and insider lawyers use and abuse the Family Courts system to destroy protective mothers and deliver life sentences of suffering to innocent children. Rich, poor, middle-class... No child in America is safe.
See 65 legal papers and news articles on the discredited parental alienation theory help us end this in 2015 see victorious children on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/standbythechildren/photos/a.792957760755138.1073741826.134710069913247/1003642023020043/?type=3
If you have lost custody to the abuser in a Wisconsin family court system please email this to all Senators, Representatives and Governor so we may protect children in the family court thank you Lastly even if you have not lost custody to the abuser and simply care about the safety of abused children in Wisconsin and do not want them to be placed in the abusers homes please email this Thank you
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